I take the responsibility of bringing puppies into our world very seriously. It is a huge honour to give every puppy the best start in life possible. Since I have a small kennel I am able to do individual training with each puppy. Even after thirty years experience raising terriers I am still learning new teaching methods and enrichment exercises that help raise confident and well adjusted puppies.

There is a very small window of time to make a huge impact on every puppy and help them to become good canine citizens. Each puppy is started with Early Neurological Stimulation at just 3 days of age. This technique was made famous by Dr. Carmen Battaglia and it improves the canine immune system, builds a stronger heart, and helps your puppy handle every day stressors more easily. Look up Dr. C. .Battaglia ENS to learn about the complete program. I am also a huge advocate of the “Puppy Culture” program developed by Trainer and Bull Terrier Breeder Jane Killion. After researching the Puppy Culture program I was delighted to find that I had been using many of her methods for years with my puppies. However, “Puppy Culture” taught me even more powerful lessons about puppy development, and provides excellent structure for Breeders to follow. * I highly recommend all new puppy owners familiarize themselves with this program. My goal is to make the transition as smooth as possible from my home to your home for each puppy. That is why I put countless hours into the puppy’s education before they leave.

I congratulate people who make the choice to invest in a well socialized puppy from a Breeder. Not only are you getting a healthy terrier that has been carefully bred to ensure each generation is even better than the last, you are getting a built in support system for life. I welcome phone calls, emails, texts, etc. for years to come to help you along the way. I love when people bring their Rapscallion terriers out to the farm just to visit and I can see first hand the special bond they have formed with the puppy I raised in the early weeks of his life.
Puppies who are not raised in a home miss out on so much in their critical development stages. These pups have never heard music, heard a vacuum cleaner, a dishwasher, a television, learned house manners, had their nails trimmed regularly, been introduced to a leash, been crate trained, or really learned anything at all about the world they will be expected to be a part of.
After many nights sleeping side by side with expecting terriers, whelping litters, nursing puppies that need help, and watching them grow and develop I want each one of my puppies to go into the world with the tools to succeed. I am very selective about where my puppies are placed and want you and your puppy to enjoy and long and precious friendship.
Below is out puppy questionnaire in both .pdf and .docx formats. Please be truthful when filling out this questionnaire so we can chose the terrier that will be the best fit for your family. Hopefully the questions will help you to consider every aspect of pet ownership.